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NMMA FC-W Rust Test

Test results describe and represent properties of oils that were acquired on the dates listed in Table 1. Results do not apply to any subsequent reformulations of such oils or to new oils introduced after completion of testing. All oils were available to consumers at the time of purchase. Testing was completed in November 2017.

Table 1
Oil Tested     Oil Batch Code Date Purchased
AMSOIL Signature Series 15W-40 97115  092017 N/A
Lucas* 15W-40 Magnum  17261  I710:08 10/27/2017
Schaeffers* Durability Advantage 15W-40 No batch code printed on bottle 10/18/2017
Shell*  Rotella T4 15W-40  11057421 U002-4 05Jul17 17:40 10/17/2017
Mobil* Delvac 1300 Super 15W-40 OEV17H24A B 08:26 03089 #9116 6353 10/26/2017

*All trademarked names are the property of their respective owners and may be registered marks in some countries. No affiliation or endorsement claim, express or implied, is made by their use.